Receta Radish Leaf Kimchi

- This is the address for a Web page on Kimchi. If you are familiar with making Kimchi you might be interested in seeing the variety of recipes which they have. There are no measurements for the ingredients and the instructions are limited. I have included one of the recipes and if you are interested you can look further.
- 1.Trim and wash dry Korean radissh leaves; sprinkle them with salt and allow to stand till softened. Rinse and drain.
- 2.Mix together rice flour paste, minced garlic and ginger, minced green onions, pickled anchovy juice, and sugar. This is the esasoning mix.
- 3.Mix the softened radish leaves with red pepper pwdr till a peppery red color is set;add in the seasoning mix. Mix well and put them in a crock.