Receta Roasted Carrots
Roast Carrots (Vegetables) 20 Tuesday Sep 2016 Written by Maeghan in Cooking Light, Side Dishes, Veggies ≈ 0 comments Tags carrots, Cooking Light, roasted, Side dish, Vegetables Share it Twitter Facebook I’m always sad to say, “Good bye” to summer but at least fall comes next which means lots of baking. My oven gets turned on as the leaves change, the apples and pumpkins get picked, and the last of my vegetables from the garden are brought in. While I eat veggies all year long, my favorite way to prepare them or eat them is by roasting. It really maximizes the flavor. If I’m trying a new vegetable out on the kids or my husband, roasting is always the way to go first. Give them the best so they wont refuse it the next time!
Since I’m picking the last of our carrots and roasting them I wanted to share with you a great way to easily roast your vegetables. There is nothing better than a carrot that has been browned and crisped on the outside but sweet and tender on the inside.
When roasting, make sure your veggies are cut to the same size for even cooking. Also, allow room on the pan for the heat to circulate.
Roasted Whole Carrots
8 medium carrots
2 tsp olive oil
1/4 tsp kosher salt
1/4 tsp freshly ground black pepper
Pre-heat oven to 400F.
Scrub carrots and dry well, peel if desired. Arrange carrots in a single layer, well spaced on a baking sheet. If you are roasting other veggies, make sure they are cut to the same size for even cooking. Drizzle with oil, turning to coat all over. Sprinkle with salt and pepper.
Tightly cover pan with foil. Bake for 10 minutes. Uncover and return pan to oven and bake an additional 18 minutes or until carrots are tender, turning once.
Source: Cooking Light January/February 2016
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