Receta This Week's Dinner Menu, Plus an Easy Lunch Recipe!
Ah, springtime! Our weather is quick to change here year-round, but even moreso this time of year. We have a warmer start to this week, but it is expected to finish on a cooler note. While some plants are starting to peek through the snow, we might have a snow day this Thursday. Time will tell!All that in mind, we have a menu that gets a little heartier as the week moves on.T. tuna salad sandwiches, chips, pickles, raw vegetables, applesW. taco salad, orangesR. homemade chicken noodle soup, cheese, crackers, grapesF. franks and beans over rice, applesS. chicken stir fry with rice (or maybe mochi), orangesS. homemade pizza, salad or raw vegetables (will depend on what we have on hand), applesM. taco-seasoned bean croquettes, Mexican…
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