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More baking and cooking tips!

Claudia lamascolo
Claudia lamascolo 25 de Abril de 2011

After crimping the edge of the pie crust, lift the edge of the crust gently all around with your fingers. This keeps the dough from sticking to the dish while baking and makes it easier to take out the pieces of pie.
Place crackers, dried bread, cookies or sugar which has lumps in a sturdy plastic bag (make sure it has no holes). Roll with a rolling pin or fruit jar as coarse or as fine as you like then pour into a measuring container. If you have more than you need at the time, just tie the bag and place in a pantry or freezer for later use.
A teaspoon of sugar mixed with your yeast and water makes it raise better. Even if you are making bread you can use some sugar. Never mix salt directly with the yeast and water mixture as the salt kills the raising action.
Keep brown sugar in a closed container with an apple in it, the brown sugar will stay soft and moist.
Wrap parsley in foil first, then freeze. Shave off as much as needed, rewrap and return to the freezer. It will retain its flavor and freshness.
For fried foods that require flouring, try pancake flour for a change, it’s quite nice.
To keep peeled potatoes from turning dark without putting them in water, wrap in paper towel and wet under the faucet.
If your Baking Bread today, do not preheat. When your oven is heated, place the bread pans immediately and you’ll be amazed at the resulting lightness of the bread.
Toast oatmeal in the oven before adding to other ingredients when making oatmeal cookies-–delicious!
Add two teaspoons of vinegar to jello and it will keep the jello from melting when you serve it.
If you scorch milk by accident, put the pan in cold water and add a pinch of salt. Takes away the burned taste.
I do this one all the time, hate when I forget! Roll pastry on waxed paper. Before placing paper on work surface, wipe surface with a damp cloth to prevent slipping. Flour paper lightly, and with forefinger draw a circle an inch and a half larger than the pan you intend to use. You’ve seen pastry cloths with guidelines…and they really do help. When pastry has been rolled out, pick up paper pastry and all. Fit into pan, paper side up and then pull paper away from crust. Prevents tearing or stretching twist paper and pan. Another nice tip: You can also roll pastry between two sheets of waxed paper.
If it is a meringue pie you are making…add four or five marshmallows cut into pieces or 1/2 cup miniature ones, to meringue just before spreading. These marshmallows give both flavor and body to the meringue. The latter is important if pie is to stand for sometime before serving. Here’s a way to soften marshmallows.
Lemon juice or vinegar in water where cauliflower is cooked makes it keep its white color.

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Hungry Jenny
Hungry Jenny Sábado, 07 de Mayo de 2011 a las 07:57 AM
Re: More baking and cooking tips!

I've been meaning to get one of those pastry mats for ages, but never get round to buying one - that's an interesting tip about using waxed paper instead, will have to give that a go - at the moment, I sit two chopping boards alongside each other and flour those to rolll pastry out on (as don't like rolling out straight onto surface!).


Hungry Jenny x

Claudia lamascolo
Claudia lamascolo Sábado, 07 de Mayo de 2011 a las 10:57 AM
Re: More baking and cooking tips!

You will love this one.. I really do love using parchment paper better but its expensive, so wax paper will do as well... its such a time saver and always looks nice~ Thanks for your comment!

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