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We entertain almost daily and food is always the star of the show. The action always takes place in the kitchen and it is usually a high energy event. Everyone becomes involved and everyone is an expert in what he or she happens to contribute that evening. The crowd is tough and never shy to offer their view on what tastes good, why it tastes good and what can be done to improve it. The results are all part of my cookbook, “The Longo Family, Italian-American Cookbook”, available through All my recipes have met my critics exacting standards and I assure you that that was no easy feat, but the results were well worth the effort.
I’ve always cooked the foods that my family and friends most enjoy and I have found that what they most like, I too, like. That is how I know that the recipes contained are the ones that will be best loved by almost everyone. I don’t think that is a coincidence but rather I believe that it is a product of growing up in the country where we reside, America. We adore grilled meats, pizza, hamburgers, potatoes, salad, chicken soup, a plate of pasta and sandwiches of all kinds. We embrace these foods because they help define who we are and they support the bonds of family and friendship that are so important to all of us. Food is the uniting force that helps drive our daily lives. My phone rings almost daily with the question, “What’s for dinner?” I have the feeling that almost every American greats most days with exactly that same question.
So, to you I say, “Invite over a few friends, enjoy a glass of wine or a cocktail or two and cook, Cook, COOK and you will be happy.”