Hi, Laura! Looks like I have the honor of being the very first to welcome you to CES. This is a wonderful and friendly 'corner of the kitchen', and I have made a number of really bright and enthusiastic 'net friends here since I joined in mid-January.
I would suggest that you immediately join Claudia's Tips & Helpful Hints Group. And then scroll through all the groups and just click the ones you're drawn to. No obligations here, but I personally hope you'll take a bit of time and offer a favorite family or personal recipe to share. We are all (or most of us) here to learn and grown as cooks. Do not be afraid to ask questions or add your thoughts and ideas to the mix - it is all appreciated.
And, now that I am your first 'Follower', I will be getting an email notice when you put up your first recipe. I look forward to it! I found you because you asked for my gluten free carrot cake formula. I will post it under your query because there are several gluten / allergen free Groups on CES and your question may help someone else. I will tell you a sectret - the cake you see in the photos was a 100% gluten free cake, made for some ladies who are gluten intolerant - they loved it! No one could tell the difference!
Are you familiar with a brand of GF flour named "Domata"? However, I will give you a formula, so you can blend your own very successful cake flour. I hope you will also follow me - I make most of my recipes using both wheat & GF flours. Look up my Black Cherry Crumble - that was also a GF dish that day. Best regards - Amos
Laura Cox Perfil

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