Acerca de mí
I'm cooking from the bottom of the planet in New Zealand and love to bring a New Zealand perspective to the food I make. Speech Therapist by day, food blogger at the weekends, I love to cook and bake and include my family in my kitchen activities. I'm a firm believer that children should be included in kitchen activities and that things don't have to be expensive to make or require a lot of fancy equipment to taste good. I love to try out foods from all over the world and that's reflected in the dishes I make.
Influencias de Cocina
I am not sure if I have any strong influences other than to say that I value tradition. I love to make some of the classic dishes and baked goods from all over the world. I think it's important to recognise that there are some things that it's just difficult to improve on.
I am not a big follower of food fashion, I'll try new things but I like to explore traditions, culture and social aspects of food.
I love to use what is around me in my cooking, things that can be foraged or grown as well as beautiful local produce. I try to cook seasonally. I do have a bit of a passion for Italian food, particularly baking and breads, just as much though I love Thai food, Moroccan food and traditional french bistro and peasant foods.
Good foods without a lot of fuss .. cooked with time, care and attention to bring out the best in good ingredients.