Chef Reino Unido

MaryMoh Perfil
Keep Learning Keep Smiling
Scotland, Reino Unido
Inscribió Viernes, 05 de Febrero de 2010
Cocinero Intermedio
Estrella Superior, Fotógrafo Superior, 1330 CocinarComerCompartir puntos
Puntos de
Perfil - 5
Recetas - 341
Fotos - 831
Evaluaciones - 0
Comentarios - 54
Invitaciones - 0
Amigos - 99
Grupos - 0
Temas - 0
Total - 1330
My blog :
Acerca de mí
Love to cook, eat and share.
- 31 de Mayo de 2010Hello ,Great to see you again,thanks for adding me,lovely recipes ...Sally :-)
- 08 de Mayo de 2010I'm still quote lost! Will hv to take one step at a time. Lovely to see u around :D Hv a lovely weekend. Happy Mother's Day!
- 18 de Febrero de 2010Dear Mary!1 reply
Greetings again from Shizuoka, Japan!
It looks like a second "home" for the Foodbuzz crowd!LOL
Best regards,
Robert-Gilles - 19 de Febrero de 2010Glad to have finally found your comment here. Poor me! I sure look like so slow to pick up...LOL
- 19 de Febrero de 2010Gosh, I was trying to find this msg of urs 2 wks ago & only found it now...LOL. Poor me! Thanks very much, Frank!
- 05 de Febrero de 2010Well, I'm trying to figure that out. I was invited to join and when I did, my recipes were already feeding from my blog to this site. I would contact admin (Mary) and ask about it. I would like to be able to link manually to my blog, since there are older recipes I'd like to contribute without typing them in here!