Chef Estados Unidos

Ozark Lady Perfil
Garfield, AR (Estados Unidos)
Inscribió Martes, 09 de Noviembre de 2010
Cocinero Avanzado
Miembro, 18 CocinarComerCompartir puntos
Puntos de
Perfil - 5
Recetas - 2
Fotos - 7
Evaluaciones - 0
Comentarios - 3
Invitaciones - 0
Amigos - 1
Grupos - 0
Temas - 0
Total - 18
Acerca de mí
Happily married for 34+ years. Mother of 4 sons, and 9 grandchildren.
I enjoy gardening, hunting, fishing, foraging, and Farmer's Market. Trying new foods and food ideas is lots of fun.
My main problem is: I seldom measure anything, and didn't find a group for the dash of this, pinch of that crowd!
I prefer to use foods as close to natural as I can.
Wild foods, and meats are often on my table.
I would love to learn to grow and process my own grains into bread and pasta.
I enjoy canning, dehydrating, and freezing foods.
- 15 de Febrero de 2012Hey, there, OL! I do wish you'd put up a couple more of your recipes. I happened upon you and was immediately taken with your comments. We have a great deal in common, as I spent many summers in my youth foraging in the back hollers off Cedar Grove , W.VA. I now forage all the time on my place in Michigan, Where we hunt and prepare all types of game with foods we forage and grow. I'm in a totally rural county - 500 square miles and 50,000 people + or -. I hope we can connect. I've posted a couple of recipes you might like to try. Best regards, Amos
- 05 de Diciembre de 2010Is it okay that I delete my group? The Grandma's Favorites? I on't really put any recipies on it so...
- 17 de Noviembre de 2010Thanks, John.
You would be amazed at how many recipes can be adapted from beef recipes to wild game ones, and vice-versa.
And sometimes, the wildest foraging is at the Farmer's Markets. I found Egyptian Walking Onions there to add to my garden. And this year, I got Jerusalem Artichokes to try growing in my garden. They sell many flowers and herbs growing in containers as well as fruits, vegetables and crafts at our local markets.
I haven't grown wheat as of yet, either, I did buy wheat berries, to learn to use them and then move up to growing wheat. - 17 de Noviembre de 2010Sounds like you are going to have some very unique and interesting recipes to add to the site! I hope you enjoy the recipes and community here...even if few of us forage or grow our own grains!
- 11 de Noviembre de 2010Thank you for joining my group! I will add a recipie soon to the group. I added it but didn't add to group, so if you want, you can go look at it by clicking on my profile and veiwing my 1 recipie!