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Grupos de Chefs son comunidades de miembros quienes comparten conocimiento, recetas, e ideas sobre un aria de interés común.
NuWave Oven Users

NuWave Oven Users

This is a group dedicated to the use of the NuWave Oven. Recipes and tips and questions may be shared here for the benefit of all users of this great…

Linda Cantwell 536 miembros
48 recetas


sharing WW meals

diana 1 miembro
2 recetas
Oczypok Kitchen

Oczypok Kitchen

Favorite family recipes, old and new! Sharing the love through the joy of cooking and baking too!

Michele Miller 1 miembro
1 receta


Get out your lederhosen, and frost up that beer mug! Celebrate Oktoberfest! Bratwurst, kraut, goulash and spaetzle. Cooking with beer, strudels,…

Patricia Stagich 67 miembros
192 recetas
old fashioned recipes

old fashioned recipes

something our grandmother's cooked like homemade applesauce

lois hastings 5 miembros
0 recetas
Old-fashioned cooking

Old-fashioned cooking

Looking for recipes that mothers or grandmothers used to cook.

Derek Johnsen 19 miembros
142 recetas
One Pot Meals

One Pot Meals

Share your recipes for complete meals you can cook in one pan. Minimal 'set aside & reserve' steps preferred - think camping - limited cooking…

Wendi Taylor 4 miembros
40 recetas
Opa! Greek!

Opa! Greek!

Greek Food is the best!

Allen J. Armstrong 4 miembros
5 recetas
Organic Low Carb High Fiber Bread

Organic Low Carb High Fiber Bread

This group is to serve people who are looking for high quality, high fiber bread and let them know about the Julian Bakery in La Jolla. Checkout the…

Julian 10 miembros
0 recetas
Other Sites

Other Sites

If you get recipe inspiration from other sites, what are those sites? Do you use more than 1 site for recipes. If yes, what are the sites?

Jessica L. Specht 1 miembro
0 recetas