Receta Baked Salmon with Robust Creamy Blue Cheese Sauce

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Salmon fishing in OregonKind of funny, Bubba reminds me now and then of how, when he and Matt were growing up, I used to never like fish or any seafood except for tuna and salmon, the 2 he didn't like at all back then and still doesn't.  And of course those were the only ones I served back then, pleasing These days, I like fish and some seafood, serving it most weeks here, with Bill tolerating salmon.   That's when I pep up salmon for Bill and I at dinner time, turning to this piquant sauce uniting blue cheese, cucumber and dill for the salmon.  It's a perfect There's nothing bland about this little sauce which you can whip up in no time.  In my book, piquant blue cheese always puts pizzazz in a dish! As salmon is readily…
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