Receta Beer Bread (by Bread Machine or Conventional Bread Method)

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A nice crust and firm grain allow flawless slicing - providing you allow bread to cool an hour after baking before you slice it!
After last rising in bread machine dough will be very light and airy. Turn dough out of pan and remove kneading blade; then using as little extra flour as possible.....
....knead dough firmly 3 to 4 minutes pushing out as many air bubbles as possible, until it is smooth and "deflated". Cover with a towel and let it rest 5 minutes.
Roll or pat dough out into a rectangle 7" x 11", pushing out any air bubbles. Grease loaf pan and sprinkle a little cornmeal in bottom.
Roll dough up tightly from one long side of rectangle, sealing seam underneath and tuck ends under sealing well and shaping dough to size of pan.
Place loaf in pan and score top diagonally 3-4 times with sharp knife. Cover and allow to rise 30-40 minutes.
After final rise dough is almost double in size. Bake at 375 degrees for 25-35 minutes. Remove from pan and cool on wire rack 1 hour.
Hard to resist fresh baked beer bread! Scored lines on top are visible in this baked loaf.
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Beer Bread Boboli
Bobby Lovera's Smoked Gouda Boboli made from Salad Foodie's Beer Bread.
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