Receta How to make homemade gnocchi
I’ve made homemade gnocchi (potato dumplings) from scratch before. I shared them on the blog here. In the blog post, I said “I’ll definitely be making gnocchi again next time I have a quiet Sunday ahead of me, and I feel like getting stuck into something in the kitchen”… but did I? Of course not. Homemade gnocchi can be seriously labour intensive – you need to peel the potatoes, cook the potatoes (preferably in the oven, which can take hours), and mash mash mash until there’s not a single lump left – and that’s just the potatoes. Then you have to make the actual gnocchi itself. There’s a reason that both of the gnocchi recipes I’ve posted since then have used shop-bought gnocchi.
I decided it was time to give homemade gnocchi…