Receta new yishun condos
Enjoy host of amenities and conveniences right at your very doorstep. From local to international options, you will be spoilt for choice as you uncover the best shopping deals and dining experiences at over 500 shops in Northpoint City right below your home. Gather your besties to chill out at a coffee joint, take a leisure walk with your loved ones at the rooftop community garden or at the abundant landscaped spaces, or enjoy family time at the children’s playground. Additionally, you can also stay connected virtually with access to Wifi within the shopping mall. Be close to a host of reputable schools, recreational pursuits at the Orchid Country Club, Seletar Country Club and Yishun Safra Country Club.
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- The mall will provide an array of amenities such as a hypermart, large foodcourt, childcare centre(s), public library, bank(s), retail and service trades offering best choices of shopping and dining options. Besides having direct access to bus interchange and Yishun MRT, it is also located near to GV cinema, Town Park and has close proximity to Khoo Teck Puat Hospital and Yishun Community Hospital. Residents enjoy a host of amenities which are within walking distance and it caters to the very young and the elderly.
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