Receta Pork and Baby Bok Choy Sambal Stir Fry
I haven’t freestyled for a while and today the opportunity arises after I cooked something that needed a vegetable side dish. With tow bunches of baby bok choy on my vegetable bin and a full bottle of nasi lemak sambal all I need is some fatty pork then were all good to go and sauté it. I was surprised of the result of this dish, it was delicious, tasty and quite spicy, we love it even more than the mains I served today. Pork and Baby Bok Choy Sambal Stir Fry Save Print Prep time Cook time Total time Serves: 4 Ingredients 400 g fatty pork shoulder chop, sliced into small cubes 2 big bunches baby bok choy, chopped 4 stalks spring onions, chopped 3 pcs tomatoes, sliced 1 red onion, minced 6 cloves garlic, minced 3 tbsp nasi lemak sambal…
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