Acerca de mí
I am uncomfortable unless I am surrounded by food. For 12 years I've been leading food product development teams at Mattson, an independent developer of new foods and beverages for the grocery and chain restaurant industries. Every day I taste between 5 to 50 prototypes in development. My office is full of food. My vacations are planned around food. My hobby is eating out in restaurants. You could say I'm obsessed. Or you could say I'm passionate. Or you could say I'm crazy (but only if you already know me).
I live in San Francisco's Noe Valley neighborhood so I'm surrounded by great restaurant options, which I indulge in frequently. We have a neighborhood farmer's market, too, which grows bigger each year and allows us to eat fresh off the farm.
I'm also passionate about Scrabble, The Blues, travel, and California wine.
Influencias de Cocina
From my personal life:
- The Basque region of Spain
- Thailand, Vietnam, and China
- Harold McGee
- Craig & Annie Stoll
- My friend Chris (Patil... at this site!), who is fearless at the stove
- Danielle Conrad, the quintessential wine country hostess
From my work life:
- Oscar Mayer
- Betty Crocker
- Orville Reddenbacher
- Mrs. Fields
- Mrs. Butterworth
- Uncle Ben