Dear Cassandra!
Greetings from Shizuoka, Japan!
Thank you so much for kindly accepting my Friendship request!
Looking forward to sharing!
Cassandra Plank Perfil
Food is art that everyone can understand
Napa, CA, Estados Unidos
Inscribió Viernes, 05 de Febrero de 2010
Cocinero Intermedio
Estrella Superior, Fotógrafo Superior, 1220 CocinarComerCompartir puntos
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Perfil - 13
Recetas - 409
Fotos - 780
Evaluaciones - 0
Comentarios - 3
Invitaciones - 0
Amigos - 15
Grupos - 0
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Total - 1220
I'm almost finished with my 3rd semester of my Ph.D. in viticulture (wine grape research)