Acerca de mí
I'm a busy mom, with two boys. I spend a lot of my time trying to find a healthy balance for my children. They prefer pizza, and I prefer soy proteins. We spend a lot of time modifying recipes making them healthier.
Influencias de Cocina
My grandmother was my number one cooking influence. My mothers idea of a great meal was takeout. My grandmother had a large family, and being a southern lady, she spent a lot of time in the kitchen. As a small child, we had a lot of rich, deeply fried foods. A result of this was heart disease, and diabetes running rampant through my family. Major culinary tragedy struck when I was around 12. My grandfather suffered a major heart attack. Suddenly, it seemed as if the very roots had been ripped from my grandma's kitchen. Everything we were used to cooking was now off limits. I admired the way my grandmother was able to adapt her old style of cooking to a new healthier way. I'm great full to her also for making me watch so many cooking shows on PBS, as well as giving me my first cookbook.