Acerca de mí
My name is Galina and I am 25. I am married for almost 6 years to a great guy. We have one son and another on a way within a month!! I love to cook; mostly I read recipes and tweak them to my standards. The coolest thing is most people love my food.
I am doing a Candida cleanse diet that minimizes carbohydrates, excludes wheat, corn, fruit. So most of my food intake is veggies and meat, I do eat more complicated carbohydrates a few times a week and about two servings of fruit a week. (Fruit is my weakness :)) And of course no sugar the only sweetener I have is Stevie which I can’t stand!! LOL I can’t have any dairy exception of eggs, kefir, and plain yogurt!! I lost weigh within a few months and plane to continue this through most of my life!! This diet gave me so much more energy and I get to lose weight without trying much!!