Laura Nolan Perfil
Cupcake Classes and Workshops
Brierley Hill, Dudley, Reino Unido
Inscribió Martes, 16 de Agosto de 2011
Cocinero Intermedio
Todavía no tienes recetas
Miembro, 11 CocinarComerCompartir puntos
Puntos de
Perfil - 5
Recetas - 0
Fotos - 5
Evaluaciones - 0
Comentarios - 0
Invitaciones - 0
Amigos - 1
Grupos - 0
Temas - 0
Total - 11
We are proud to announce the arrival of the Nuthouse Bakery Loyalty Card. With every three classes booked, you receive a 4th class at half price. It’s proving very popular! Please do get in touch via our contact page if you would like any further information, or are interested in any of our classes.