Receta Blueberry Creme Brulee
Creme Brulee is a custard dessert prepared by water bath baking then finished by torching sugar crystals on top creating a hard-caramel topping. On its simplest form, it is only flavoured with vanilla but a variety of fruits can be used to give it an additional flavour and texture. Popular fruits used are berries but lychees, passionfruit, lime, pumpkin and even lemongrass can be
Creme brulee has been existing since the late 1600’s and the earliest reference to it appeared in François Massialot’s 1691 Cookbook Cuisinier Royal et Bourgeois, since then it slowly gained popularity until the 1980’s where it went viral. This dessert is known by many names Crème brûlée being the most popular by it is also called or known as burnt cream,…
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