Receta My Mommy Mind: 9 Month Update + Little Green Pouch Giveaway!
We hit the nine month mark – muwahaha!
This month has really marked a turning point in both Lincoln’s and my life. Lincoln is turning into a full-fledged boy. A BOY! From the way he now guffaws instead of giggles, to his hands turning into giant bear paws, I am truly seeing a baby morph into a little boy before my very eyes. What.
This month has also been the first month where I feel like life has returned back to normal (well, “baby normal.”) We dropped Lincoln’s third nap so we’re down to two naps, the first one around 9:30am and the second around 2:30pm – both usually around an hour to an hour and a half long, though he occasionally likes to sneak in one of his patented 42 minute naps. This has given us so much freedom I…