Receta SWEET n SOUR finger licking delicious CHICKEN roast
Great flavour pairings along with a combo cooking style of poaching and roasting made this meal special.
By adapting three varied descending oven temperatures...the chicken roast turned out finger licking delicious!
For a dedicated post...refer here:
- . >(American / Metric measures)<
- . 1 whole Chicken (about 3lb /1.5kg.)
- .>MARINADE liquid: {2-1/2 cups (625ml) worth}
- .1/4 cup (50ml) apricot or peach jam
- .1/8 cup (25ml) Ketchup sauce
- .1/8 cup (25ml) frozen orange concentrate
- .1/8 cup (25g) grated fresh ginger root
- .1/2 cup (20g) Italian parsley leaves
- .1-1/2 cup (360ml) water
- . 1-1/2 tsps. sea salt (divide half to put in cavity)
- . 1 tsp. (5ml) garlic powder
- . 1/2 tsp. (2.5ml) each: dried...basil, oregano, rosemary, sage tarragon
- .>VEGETABLES for side-dish:
- . 4 medium potatoes
- . 2 large carrots
- . Pre-heat oven at 425F/220C/Gas7. Position oven rack at the ottom level. Use a very large heat-proof dish with cover.
- . In a blender...mix all the ingredients (except side vegetables) together and set aside.
- . Peel and slice the vegetables in reasonably medium sized pieces. Place and spread them throughout the perimeter of the heat-proof dish.
- . Fill the chicken cavity with half the salt. Then, place the chicken breast side DOWN, with wings tucked under and into the middle of the dish. Pour the LIQUID mix slowly over the chicken and vegetables.
- . Place the dish with lid cover and into the oven. Begin the cooking process at 425F/220C/Gas7 for the first 30 minutes.
- . Take the chicken out to turn it around in order to finish with the breast side UP. Take this opportunity to toss the vegetables around in the juice and pour some liquid over the chicken.
- . Turn down the oven heat to 350F/180C/Gas4. Put the chicken back with cover into the oven for another 45 minutes.
- . For another 45 minutes ...lower the heat to 300F/150C/Gas2 and take the cover off so that some of the juices can evaporate and the chicken will get its golden crispy glow.
- . Basically, when you're coming towards the end of the cooking time...slowly test if the chicken leg slightly detaches itself. This is a very good indication of doneness and tenderness. Take it out of the oven...and serve right away.
- . Enjoy this scrumptious meal and flavourful wishes from Claudia's
Nutrition Facts
Amount Per Serving | %DV |
Serving Size 212g | |
Recipe makes 2 servings | |
Calories 32 | |
Calories from Fat 1 | 3% |
Total Fat 0.11g | 0% |
Saturated Fat 0.01g | 0% |
Trans Fat 0.0g | |
Cholesterol 0mg | 0% |
Sodium 9mg | 0% |
Potassium 151mg | 4% |
Total Carbs 7.61g | 2% |
Dietary Fiber 0.5g | 2% |
Sugars 7.04g | 5% |
Protein 0.62g | 1% |