Chef Italia

Luigi Esposito Perfil del Chef
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Pastry = love, passion, study and patience in doses massif
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Luigi Esposito was born in San Francesco di Paola in the province of Cosenza, on 05 \ 03 \ 1992.
His parents are cooks do this job from his father when he was sixteen, and already an accomplished cook and pastry chef Luigi when he is born. His mother, however, once he had met her future husband, decided to pursue a career as a cook, sending air projects to graduate and become a doctor. After much wandering, (Calabria, Germany, Trentino Alto Adige, Abruzzo) family now consists of four people, decided to settle in the city of L'Aquila.
Here her parents continue to work in the kitchens of hotels, and so once costruitasi a reputation, the parents decide to open their own business in a village near L'Aquila (pagan).
So in 1996 founded the restaurant-pizzeria "The Wolf".
Although Louise has always lived in the kitchens of the hotel, is opening the pizzeria which has its first real approach to food. In fact, he grew increasingly aware of the ingredients and their use. The adventure "The Wolf" however, ends in 2001.
Louis was nine years old and attends the 4th grade. At the end of 2002, the Edwards family begins a new adventure: taking over a hotel, the hotel restaurant Giampy. "The work ahead is very long, the hotel does not have a very good reputation and more needs a great job of maintenance. But no one pulls back and begins to work.
Times were hard, but slowly with the passion and commitment, the family of Luigi manages to get some good results. Luigi while attending middle school studying the violin, and begins to get passionate and closer to the bakery. This passion is not that arises suddenly, in fact, Luigi loves to eat sweets, especially a passion for chocolate. Love the dark, begins to discover the crus and begins to spend a few entries that has chocolate. So on cold afternoons Aquila, Luigi approach to home bakery: it helps the mother to prepare the desserts for the buffet breakfast (pastries, plum cake).
Combine several disasters by creating cakes and chocolate cakes really uninviting. He understands how it should look as much as possible the manual of the parents and especially that of the father. Begins to understand how you handle the spatula, be exercised in the popular movement "from top to bottom." The concepts are many, but there is still little experience and the desire is to help make the day so famous cakes Dad does.
The problem is that Louis has to learn from a master, the father did not spend more as a time to the 'white art "only at major events (weddings, baptisms) is the famous cakes, of course there is always the mother, but is too busy in directing alone an entire kitchen and a family of four. Then, without saying anything Luigi records in his mind everything he sees, takes notes and dreams: dreams of being a pastry chef. In addition to this Luigi He also discovers that you can learn by watching television ... Find the book Maurizio Santin "Softly." The following always record the episodes, thanks to the many mysteries are revealed Santin like cooking with the "pink." However, looking at There is not enough to need some textbook for studying ... There are problems, the house is full!
Luigi now began to study on a huge Volume entitled "The Art of Modern Pastry" is the book which he studied his father and is confident he can achieve good results. The three years of high school ending and ends too, just as business was good, the adventure of the 'Hotel Giampy. "For the family is a blow, he finds himself out of the blue completely unemployed for the third time. Been almost a year, in September 2006 he enrolled at Louis high school classic "D. Cotugno" Eagle and the problems soon followed .. In addition to the concern in the family to be without work, Louis has big problems with Latin, greek, and mathematics. He can not understand these matters are too difficult, but not lose heart, not the moment it is difficult to study and better Luigi decides to leave his great passion: the conservatory and the violin. It 's a tough year, but good news is coming. It presented an opportunity to buy a place in the historical center in L'Aquila. The opportunity is so attractive that the family does not think twice about it and even if some economic problem, and you buy the local force.
Before opening, we need a lot of work and maintenance restauro.E 'opens March 13, 2006 "The Tavern of Lucullus." Finally, after so many years, the family has something in their hands, something that no one can remove . Meanwhile, Luigi does not forget the pastries, study the ingredients, techniques, continues to follow television sections. It 's so in love with the biscuits to spend hours experimenting in the kitchen of the restaurant, the hours spent making the pastry, sponge cake, pastry cream, whatever, the point is that it is still far from achieving good results ; therefore continues to practice more and more, until week after week can get a niche of its own in the restaurant.
Now that Louis is by the dessert of the restaurant, and he who prepare desserts. Parents, in fact they realized his passion and even if they do not see it go further than ever. Louis specializes in decoration, loves to decorate with the melted chocolate, decorate the dishes of the dessert. With its commitment to its attention and receive compliments from customers every night Luigi offers seven different desserts, three fixed and four that change every night. And 'quite satisfied with his work and year after year is becoming increasingly clever, so much so that he realizes that the father involves him in when he can decorate cakes.
For Louis to work with his father, a demanding man with little patience, it's a great honor, to decorate his cake is more beautiful than what could happen. Finally the family is peaceful, despite the first year was not the best, now business is good, the restaurant enjoys an excellent reputation and Luigi manages to overcome the obstacle of the school, be promoted.
E 'in 2008 everything is going very well, starts school. Now for Luigi pastry is an art that does not want to leave, it involves so much that he can not not think about it. The restaurant is fine, but the school no. The risk of an impending rejection becomes more certain from month to month. Louis did not and in fact more than a fifth school. This incident throws into disarray the guy who disappointed, he threw himself headlong into what most understand: the bakery. He studied this art, he loves her more and more and more convinced than ever want to be a pastry chef.
E 'in September 2008 Louis prepares to repeat the fifth high school, it does so without fear, and with a great desire to redeem himself. Continue always to take care of the dessert restaurant, everything is fine and the parents that customers are satisfied with the sweet, but the greatest disgrace to arrive.
E 'on the night of April 6, 2009 an earthquake destroyed the L'Aquila earthquake destroys the ristorante.La distraught family travels to Calabria by family members to try to recover. Luigi back to L'Aquila, his house luckily did not collapse, but everything they lived it.
Louis continues to make desserts, but at home without the right spaces, without a minimum of equipment, it's really daunting, and so decides, to avoid soiling always the small kitchen of the house, confine and to devote time to studying the basics of pastry. The summer is long, due to the earthquake because the school was completed in April and will reopen in October, so Louise decides to go to Varese, there's going to try some pastry chef to help him achieve his dream, but to no avail no one makes him do a little 'in the ranks. Unfortunately, not yet seventeen and studying in a hotel management school.
Louis then decided to go to Florence by her sister.
The open world! Finally able to taste the chocolates Andrea Bianchini, the creations of Roberto Catinari, Vivoli ice cream, cake Pistocchi.
This visit is very important to Louise. E 'September Luigi comes home much more willing, and much more convinced of wanting to make the pastry. It is now October, the school begins the year will indeed be hard, sadly it is an earthquake destroyed the homes that people, not for pulling this one behind. Despite all the difficulties to be re-examined, the year has some surprises in Serbia.
All it now knows the passion of Louis and thus began the first assignments: Anybody want a pie, someone who wants to make a surprise .. Luigi does not miss any of these opportunities and packages for birthday cakes, cakes for the breakfast more often brings in its class desserts. The most beautiful event, however, arrives in May. Mario Ragona launched the competition "The Italian chef's talent and Luigi wants to participate. The first attempts do not give satisfaction, and at first his cake is discarded. Luigi then develops new ideas and get to create a simple dessert, but fortunately, like! E 'May 21, 2010 dessert of Louis, "Nostalgic Spring" is selected recipe number is 9. For Louis is a beautiful moment, but much is yet to come. In fact, this competition gives the opportunity for twenty-one ordinary people to get a bit 'of visibility. So are some articles published in specialized magazines (the pastry chef, Insider Magazine, and others), until reaching the June 5, 2010 day when games are voting on-line so that users could choose three winners. Voting will last for twenty days, beginning Luigi not doing very well .. .. but soon was fourth among the votes of friends and users, manages to earn the second place! The joy is huge now after years study reaches some recognition.
The summer passed without surprises, Louis continues to work on his passion with his father realize a wedding cake, and only packs a lot of cakes including birthday cakes.
For the future he hopes to become a pastry chef Luigi and can reach high levels, never forget humility, passion and love for the noble art of pastry.