Chef Estados Unidos

Polly Perfil
love cooking comfort and southern foods
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Acerca de mí
A great grandma, still cooking!
Influencias de Cocina
I suppose my interest in cooking came at an early age, following my grandma around with an apron that covered her entire front, puffs of flour flying through the air as she went about the chore (she, nor I, saw it as such) of preparing the good filling meals country folks were accustomed to in those days.
She made biscuits in a huge bowl filled with flour, hollowed out a well in the center, filled it with milk and whatever else makes the best biscuit known to man, then proceeded to mix in flour with one hand as she twirled the bowl with the other. When she was satisfied with the dough, she pinched off mounds, put them into a greased pan and baked them in her old wood stove.
I do remember when she got her first coal oil stove. My sweet little mama taught me to cook on one exactly like it. I love those memories of my grandmas, aunts and my
mama bustling around in those kitchens with their "pie safes", open cabinets, and everything made from scratch, because that is just how it was ... no boxed dinners, no supermarkets, just jars and jars of home canned foods, freshly dug potatoes, dried apples and peaches, even homegrown sage and other seasonings! Nothing today can compare, not even come close!!!
I worked as a food supervisor for years for an oil company that owned a string of restaurants as well as truck stops and developed my own speed scratch method of cooking for our employees. Cooks who had worked in traditional restaurants loved the simplicity and found it very easy to follow so each menu item was the same no matter which state you were in.
- 21 de Marzo de 2011Hello Polly...This is Polly Motzko from southern CA. Your homegrown produce sounds just wonderful. Here in southern CA the yards a smaller and unless you are rich and can afford a huge place, container gardening is the thing.
I would love to share your latest recipes, the fresh dishes you make with your home-grown veggies etc...
I created an Online Cooking Magazine called Cooking Up A Storm All Over The World!
I would love to have you share pictures, cooking videos, and check out some of the newer features called "Share Your Country", Coffee Talk & Mug Shots and Honey What's For Dinner?
I am glad I spotted your profile here. :-)
Pleased to meet you!
Polly Motzko
(Paulette Le Pore Motzko)
I have profiles on Facebook under the name of Polly Motzko if you are there. I love that site! - 15 de Marzo de 2011Glad you joined Polly. I hope you enjoy the recipes here and I look forward to trying some of your favorite Southern recipes!
- 11 de Marzo de 2011Hi, Polly - What on earth is a girl from your neck of the woods doing without a piece or two of seasoned cast iron in the kitchen? If you truly want to enjoy a delicious crust, wait until you let that cornbread batter sizzle for a few seconds in a heated, bacon dripping coated cast iron skillet prior to popping it into the hot oven! And you can even serve out of the cast iron. Just go pick up a small skillet at the Big Box - they are already pre-seasoned - and let me know when you have it and I'll tell you a couple of kitchen secrets we use to increase your cooking pleasure with iron. And please consider doing a 'copy and paste' of your cornbread experience review on the recipe page for me. It should encourage others to give it a go. I lok forward to hearing from you - best regards, Amos
- 10 de Marzo de 2011Dear Miss Polly - I invite you to join my Creole Group. Just go to my page and to my Groups. I look forward to your reviews of the recipes I have posted. Everything I know about Creole food came from the godfather of New Orleans Creole cooking, Chef Austin Leslie, my Creole mentor. I'll be looking for you. I even put up a recipe for 'Pickle Meat' - but try the Creole Rice Pudding and let me know what the grandchildren say. As Paul Prudhomme is to the Cajun kitchen, Chef Austin was to the Creole cuisine. warmest regards - Amos1 reply
- 10 de Marzo de 2011Hi Amos, please ... just Polly ... Miss Polly is for old ladies and I am ONLY 69!! No need to rush it, Sweetheart!
I am so new at this I thought a few years ago a mouse was something you caught in a trap! I do write a blog, but I have yet to learn how to navigate this site!
Found your delightful rice pudding recipe and it does sound so good, I am certain my grandchildren will be pleased as punch and dish out compliments as they pass the dessert for a second helping.
I made the cornbread and found it to be a keeper! I look forward to many more of your excellent recipes. I am always up for a challenge! Be sweet, Amos! Happy cooking.
- 09 de Marzo de 2011Hi, Polly - I was just wondering if you made the Jalapeno,Maple, Bacon Cornbread yet, and if you enjoyed it as much as we do? I'm looking forward to your review when you do try it. Be well, cook much! -regards, Amos