Hi Marguerite,
I've been following you since 2011 and have enjoyed your recipes. A quick question if I might, my wife and I are taking a short vacation to New Orleans and Lafayette (actually Arnaudville) and was wondering if you have any suggestions for good places to eat? We're looking for good local spots or street food rather than high end places.
Thanks in advance, Patrick
Chef Estados Unidos

Marguerite Perfil
Cajun Cook
Lafayette, LA (Estados Unidos)
Inscribió Jueves, 23 de Septiembre de 2010
Cocinero Intermedio
Featured Author
Chef Superior , Fotógrafo Superior, 893 CocinarComerCompartir puntos
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Total - 893
Acerca de mí
I'm a Cajun gal who grew up on the Vermilion Bayou in South Louisiana. I learned everything that I know about cooking from my Cajun mother, grandmother, and aunts. Many of the recipes that I will share have been handed down for several generations and are authentic Cajun and Creole creations.
- 23 de Junio de 2013Hi Marguerite:
Thanks for following me. In browsing your posts and looking at your blog you have some wonderful dishes I am anxious to try. You have done a great job in presenting dishes and information on the blog site. That Father's Day cheesecake looks and sounds absolutely decadent. I look forward to seeing more posts. Cajun dishes are welcome at our house. Thanks for sharing!
Best Regards,
Bob - 18 de Mayo de 2012I am very glad we are friends. I look forward to seeing many of your new recipes.
- 02 de Mayo de 2012I'm in Georgia but grew up in the Arklatex (all three states). For me, Layfaette is the center of cajun cooking. My dad was a caterer in Houma. I'm looking forward to following your recipes.
FF - 19 de Abril de 2012hey!! i am from new orleans originally, but i lived in lafayette for 10yrs before moving to Texas.. im looking forward to sharing recipes... geaux tigers!!
- 02 de Marzo de 2011Hi Marguerite - I don't follow many cooks or blogs but your's is an exception. I just read your latest post and am fired up to try out a couple of your recipes this weekend. Look forward to seeing more of your delicious posts. Patrick
- 12 de Febrero de 2011I am excited to connect with you, Marguarite! I second Gene's comments and will be hitting your recipes with enthusiasm - best regards, Amos
- 12 de Octubre de 2010I have to tell you, your site has got to be one of the most interesting site I have ever read. So much information done in a way that makes a person want to keep reading. Luv it, just luv it. Take care, Gene1 reply
- 13 de Octubre de 2010Gene- Thanks so much for the nice compliments and for following! It's a pleasure to meet you!