Chef Estados Unidos

Natasha Price Perfil
Fairfax, VA, VA (Estados Unidos)
Inscribió Jueves, 04 de Febrero de 2010
Cocinero Avanzado
Todavía no tienes recetas
Chef Superior , Fotógrafo Superior, 565 CocinarComerCompartir puntos
Puntos de
Perfil - 5
Recetas - 192
Fotos - 284
Evaluaciones - 6
Comentarios - 6
Invitaciones - 0
Amigos - 72
Grupos - 0
Temas - 0
Total - 565
Acerca de mí
I am a professional web developer from Northern Virginia, with a passion for fine food. I have always enjoyed the creative process of inventing something new and different in the kitchen.
More recently, I've begun an adventure, exploring the cuisine available in some of the best restaurants in the United States and around the world. The more innovative the food, the more I am inspired to innovate at home for my two most appreciative "customers" - my husband and my daughter.
I share my culinary experiences, recipes, and reviews on
- 30 de Julio de 2013Natasha keep it up it seems you are a very good chef, I would like to share my culinary experiences, recipes with you. more than 40 years working in various kitchens in Malta and in Europe.Best Regards from Malta.
- 19 de Febrero de 2010Hello, it's so nice to find you here and thank you for adding me.
- 17 de Febrero de 2010Dear Robert-Gilles, nice to see you here! I'm still trying to figure this site out :)1 reply
- 17 de Febrero de 2010Dear Natasha!2 replies
Greetings again from Shizuoka!LOL
Thank you so much for kindly accepting my Friendship request!
We seem to be part of an ever-growing crowd!
I'm afraid I will have to repeat myself quite a few more times!
Robert-Gilles - 15 de Febrero de 2010Thanks for accepting my friend request. I was happy to find this new site. I hope to continue to share recipes.
Winelady Cooks -
- 11 de Febrero de 2010Hello happy to see you here on Cook, Eat, Share! Looking forward exchanging recieps with you!1 reply
Catherine~ - 05 de Febrero de 2010Thanks Natasha looking forward to this new site what do you think !