Acerca de mí
I love to eat great food and I love to entertain ... which has finally led me to the realization that I had better learn to cook. My husband Wil and I live in Dallas with two young children. We love being outside and playing sports in the early evening which often leads to very little time for dinner preparation. We try to cook and eat healthy but definitely still have a taste for the rich & creamy on a splurge. So I guess what I'm looking for are quick, delicious, nutritious meals ... how unique? I love just about every ethnic food I've tried, with indian & thai food probably in the lead because of their fullness of flavor and spice variety.
Influencias de Cocina
I often joke that I was the only one in my college dorm that loved and relished dorm food. In highschool, my parents had divorced and as the youngest child, I was the only person in the house to endure, I mean enjoy, my mother's cooking, or lack thereof. While she would likely win a "best mom" competition if one existed for all her other amazing gifts, cooking and driving were her handicaps. I can proudly say, I did not inherit her driving genes and sincerely believe my life expectancy quadrupled when I got my learners permit and was able to take the helm, as inexperienced as I was. Cooking gene??? It will be interesting to see how my recipes fair. Fortunately, I have other positive cooking influences in my life. My father, David Spottiswood, my brother John Spottiswood, and aunt Jeanne Templeman, have all inspired me with their joy and zest for cooking. Usually accompanied with a nice wine pairing during preparation. My mother in-law Medy Saqueton is a wonderful cook and enjoys spoiling our family with massive quanitites of our favorite recipes every time we visit her in Portland.